JDM Digital

Revision Round

We define revision rounds a little differently than other web design agencies.

Let’s not get hung up on jargon.  We define a single revision round as a presentation of the latest version of a design or technology to the client.  Then, the client gets to make as many requests for changes to that version as they like within a single document or email or whatever.  Once each of the in-scope changes agreed to be made are complete, presented, and approved, that single revision round is now complete.


Need some examples?  Sure.

One Revision Round – One Change

  1. JDM Digital presents you with a new logo design.  The feedback is, “we love it, but make it blue.”
  2. JDM Digital makes the logo blue.
  3. You say, “It’s too blue.  We meant THIS blue.”
  4. JDM Digital makes the logo exactly blue the client supplied.  Client loves it.
  5. Revision round one (1) would be concluded.

One Revision Round – Multiple Changes

Obviously, clients request a lot more than a single, small change during a revision cycle.  How might that look?

  1. JDM Digital presents the latest version of the graphic.  Initial client feedback is positive.
  2. Upon further review, the client sends JDM Digital an email with 10 changes to that graphic.
  3. JDM Digital schedules a meeting to make sure they understand all 10 changes, then gets to work.
  4. JDM Digital returns to the client with the latest version, including all 10 changes they requested.
  5. They accept the 10 changes.
  6. Revision round one (1) is now complete.
  7. HOWEVER, they have just 3 more changes…
  8. Revision round two (2) now begins.

Get it?  Great.

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