Hat Tip Demo

You can enter anything.
It's fake.

This is fake. It's a demo. Nothing is stored.

© 2025 JDM Digital




A super-simple, super-light notification bar using jQuery and British humor.

GitHub RepoRefresh

In cases when you don't really want notifications getting in the way of the every day use of your application, Toasts and Modals are literally the opposite. We wanted a basic banner notification. We'll be building on this over time, but here's MVP.


Simply include the hat-tip.js in your project (or copy the raw code out), add the css you'll find in hat-tip.css, and put the following mark-up at the bottom of your page.

<div id="hattip" role="alert">
  <span id="msg"></span>
  <button type="button" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>

You'll find all the details and options on the GitHub Repo readme file.

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