JDM Digital

Engage Your Fans with Facebook “Offers”

Facebook Pages now have a new, free tool to engage and incentivise fans.  It’s called Facebook “Offers” and they are intended to be used and redeemed exclusively by your business page fans. 

The new “Offers” will be as easy to create as Facebook Ads, but they’re free for page Admins.  Although this new addition is still in BETA, Facebook is promising a broad roll-out soon.  In the meantime, you might want to think about what sorts of Facebook-exclusive offers you might run to engage and incentivise your growing Facebook fan community.

5 Facebook “Offers” Campaign Strategies:

Here are just a few ideas to help you take full advantage of Facebook Offers.

  1. Offers with more than 20% off increases conversion rates
  2. Giving something away for free also works well (BOGO)
  3. Headlines that focus on the offer and without “catch phrases”.
  4. Use engaging imagery. Photos tend to work best.
  5. Finally, set the expiration date farther in the future.

Recent social media research has shown that Facebook fans are not in it for the content — at least not completely.  They’re looking for exclusive, fan-only deals, announcements, access and more.  With the new Facebook “Offers” on the horizon, more an more businesses will be finally providing exactly that.

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