JDM Digital

Mobile Consumer Report Statistics

A new mobile consumer report by Experian Simmons, reveals some interesting information about what consumer habits influence mobile shopping trends and what marketers and eCommerce developers need to know to stay competitive.

A new mobile consumer report by Experian Simmons, reveals some interesting information about what consumer habits influence mobile shopping trends and what marketers and eCommerce developers need to know to stay competitive.

The 2011 Mobile Consumer Report includes information on how consumers use their phone to manage social connections, gather and consume information, plan shopping trips, and interact with mobile advertising.

A closer review of the report shows that 29% of cell phone owners are under the impression that their phones will be the primary device for their entertainment needs in the future. Also, and perhaps most telling, the study found that over 33 million Americans use their mobile devices for shopping-related activities (buying and planning to buy).

“The explosion in usage of mobile technologies is an industry game-changer, and marketers need reliable insights to better understand this rapidly changing landscape,” says Ken Wollenberg, general manager of Experian Simmons. “This report will help them devise plans that are timely, relevant and more effective in driving incremental sales and building brand awareness in the mobile space.

How does the report’s findings impact eCommerce retailers

Based on the report, online retailers should seriously consider a mobile the future of eCommerce. Whether it’s in the form of a mobile App (that’s native software) or a cross-platform, mobile website version, the mobile marketplace is here to stay.

A few interesting statistics from the report that speak to this new mobile consumer landscape:

So the mobile web is the future and the way consumers access information, make purchase decisions and eventually make the actual purchase is the most profitable trend for the savvy online retailer. All you need is a partner so familiar with the mobile development environment they named their dog WIFI (that just happened).

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