JDM Digital

How to Ruin a Social Campaign

As a digital agency, we're familiar with the fine line Brands have to walk during a social media campaign. All too often we see Brands get in their own way. Here are 5 ways you too can ruin your next social media campaign.

As a digital agency, we’re familiar with the fine line Brands have to walk during a social media campaign.  All too often we see Brands get in their own way.  Here are 5 ways you too can ruin your next social media campaign. 

1. Sink your budget into a single platform.

If you want to tie both hands behind your social media campaign’s back, make sure you choose just one outlet and ignore the others like a busboy at Hooters.   That’s top-notch campaign killing right there.   All for one and one for nothing.

2. Ignore the data.  Stick with your gut.

Senior marketers don’t have time to stay abreast of best practices (let alone discover next practices).   Rely on your gut instinct and ignore the data.   You don’t “do the Facebook” so why should others?

3. Leave legal in the dark.

Wait until everything is completely finished before running the campaign by legal.  That way, THEY can hold the campaign under water until it stops struggling.

4. Only use technology your competitors use.

This is the easiest way to drop $100K on something meaningless.  That Facebook tab built a year ago is now a relic.  If apathy is a result, you’ll get great results.

5. Don’t listen to feedback from anyone, ever.

Of all the ways to ruin a social campaign, this is the most effective. Feedback?  Toss it.  If you’re forced to measure your social campaign,  use a margin of error even an English major knows is too big.

In social media campaigns, the only opportunity lies in doing it differently. Why are so many social campaigns flat-lining?  Because creating interesting, engaging content is REALLY hard.

Invest in great content based on real insights and stay flexible.  Things will break, tempers will flare, and you’ll finally stand a chance of having your Brand do something awesome.

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