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First off, when Melissa Ruggles, social media manager at Splash Media, talks about “buying fans and followers”, she doesn’t mean social media advertising.  She means hiring some guy in who knows where to spam up a quick following and sell them to you.  That’s only valuable if you still think social media is a numbers game. Hint, it isn’t.

Why “Buying” Fans Backfires: Key Takeaways

Don’t have 4 minutes to watch the video?  Here are the key takeaways our interns felt were important to understand.

  • Purchased Fans Are not Opt-ins. They see your message as spam.
  • Social Media is Social – It’s two way – dis-engagement leads to disaster.
  • Social Media Advertising isn’t ‘buying fans’ – it’s promotion – and that’s ok because it’s relevant.

Just like the Beetles said, can’t buy me love–but you can advertise for it!

There’s more SplashCasts from Splash Media on YouTube.

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