JDM Digital

YDL Names JDM Digital AoR

YDL, a premium dental laboratory based in Carrolton, Texas, has named JDM Agency of Record (AoR). Under the new engagement, JDM will be providing ongoing content marketing services which include: social media, copywriting and a new HTML newsletter, "The Crown."

YDL, a premium dental laboratory based in Carrolton, has named JDM Digital their Agency of Record (AoR).  Under the new engagement, JDM will be providing ongoing content marketing services which include: social media, copywriting and a new HTML newsletter, “The Crown.”

YDL (Yared Dental Laboratory) is, you guessed it, a full-service dental lab.  For those of you not completely obsessed with dentistry, these are the guys who craft all those complex crowns, bridges, and implants out of the most technologically advanced restoratives (gold’s out of style, unless you’re Vladimir Putin) that fit exact specifications taken by the dentist, who then put the pieces in to form their patients’ new smile.

JDM built YDL’s new CMS-powered website just a few months ago, giving YDL’s digital brand a new set of pearly white (and blue) pages.

Since then, they just couldn’t stay away, and have just announced us as their AoR using our hours-based retainer.

To kick things off, we sent one of our copywriters over to the YDL lab last week to learn to think like a YDLer (not to be confused with yodeler).

Visit YDL’s new website – oh, and subscribe to their new HTML newsletter if you’re a dental nerd at heart or if you just like really pretty newsletters.

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