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Introduced back in WordPress 3.1, the WordPress Admin Bar provides quick access to all the most common admin areas of the site, like creating a new post or page, moderating comments, etc. That said, it may just not go with your site’s design. Here’s how to remove that admin bar from the front-end for logged in users. There’s basically two ways to do it.

Hide it

Perhaps you’ve decided that the WordPress Admin Bar isn’t for you. All you need to do to hide the WordPress Admin Bar is go to your profile (Users > Your Profile from the dashboard) and uncheck the box or boxes which determine when the admin bar should be displayed and it’ll never bother you again. That was painless wasn’t it…

Disable it

If you want to go a step further and disable the WordPress Admin Bar for all users on the site, you can add the following function to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');

Customize it

Of course, you could also work it into the theme itself by just customizing the hell out of it. Here’s a (very nerdy) tutorial from our CODEX site.

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