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Read an interesting article by a new LinkedIn connection of mine.  She talks about seeing a common bad practice where companies are using Facebook profiles for business rather than Facebook pages.  To some, this might seem like a silly argument–particularly if you’re not all about this “social stuff”.  The truth is, it matters–a lot.

We hear a lot of trepidation when clients first inquire about Facebook for their business.  Some just go with what they know and setup a Facebook profile for their business.  The problem with that is Facebook has the right to swoop in at any time and block access to that profile as it’s a violation of their Statement of Rights & Responsibilities.   Bottom line: “Profiles” are meant to serve individuals and “Pages” are meant for business.

Facebook defines the difference as:

Profiles (timelines) are for personal, non-commercial use only. They represent individuals and must be held under an individual name. Pages are for professional or official use, and allow an organization, business, celebrity or band to maintain a presence on Facebook.
Facebook’s Statement of Rights & Responsibilities

Think this doesn’t happen much?  According to self-proclaimed Social Media Diva, Rebecca Wardlow:  “…an alarming amount of businesses located in DeKalb County, Illinois are using Facebook ‘Profiles (aka: Timelines)’ to promote their business.” (from Really?  Your Business Has A Profile on Facebook.)

Facebook Pages mean business.  They offer some really powerful tools designed especially for business promoting, engaging and converting chatter to leads.

Learn more at

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