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Quick Instructions:

Add a logo/remove/edit logo in slider:
  1. Login to the admin
  2. Click on ‘Slider’ on the left side
  3. Click on the slider you wish to edit, in this case, Client Logos
  4. To add a logo, scroll to the bottom and click ‘Add New Slide’ and fill in the information, including uploading an image
  5. To remove a logo, click ‘Remove’ in the bottom right corner of each logo
  6. To edit an existing logo, make your changes to the desired logo and click ‘Update’ on the right hand side
  7. Once you have made changes, be sure to click ‘Update’ on the right hand side to save.

You can also adjust the settings of each slider on the right side.


Add the slider to any page by copying the shortcode [WLS…] and pasting it on the desired page.

More detailed instructions can be found in the plugin documentation.

Download WEN Logo Slider

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