JDM Digital

How to Choose a Web Designer

This is serious.

Choose the Right Web Designer

It’s not a decision you want to take lightly. After all, your website is the public face of your business. It’s likely the very first thing your prospects will come into contact with to learn about your business and that says a lot about  you as a company.

That’s why it’s essential to choose the right web design agency with the creative talent, strategic experience, and technical know-how to get the job done right–the first time.

Ok. So, how are you supposed to choose the right web designer for the job from an ocean of amateurs and misfits? Remember, there are no board certifications, and no licenses to practice—like doctors and lawyers have. It’s the Wild West out there.

To find that perfect web designer or web design agency, here’s what to look for.

They listen to your ideas

You’re an expert in your industry. You’re on the front lines. You know your customers and what they’re like. If a web designer won’t listen to your ideas, learn about your business, and generally shut up and listen, then you probably don’t want to work with them. Your designer needs to be able to put your ideas into action, not create their own pet project on your dime.

They have their own ideas

While it’s important for your web designer to listen, nobody needs a “yes-agency.” You may know your business, but they’re experts in web design, web development, microinteractions,  user experience (UX), and many other things you almost certainly are not.

If a web design agency does nothing but nod their heads in unison and produce an exact replica of what you say, then you’re not getting your money’s worth.

They know marketing

A web design agency without a marketing team is like a Ferrari without an engine. Yeah, it may look great, but it’s not going to go anywhere. You want more than an eye-candy website. You need something that actually supports business objectives. When an agency has designers, developers, AND marketers, you can be confident the finished product will be more than just another shiny website.

They recommend a CMS

You need a content management system (CMS) for your website. Period. Without it, you’ll be calling a developer every other day with another request to update or edit your site. Any web designer worth their salt is familiar with the best content management systems, like WordPress, Drupal, and DNN (formerly, “Dot Net Nuke”).

If a designer recommends a static HTML website, find them a time machine so they can travel back to this decade.

They design mobile-first

Responsive web design is a must these days, but terms like “mobile-friendly” just mean it’ll “sort of” work on mobile devices. That’s not good enough anymore. Website designers should be designing for mobile first and then scale UP to tablet and desktop devices.  “Mobile-first“, get it?

Doing it the other way around means they’ve designed for a nice, large, fast desktop and then tried to squish the layout down to fit a phone. That’s unacceptable.

They have a portfolio with real examples

What’s the best way to see if a web design company knows their stuff? Look at the work they’ve done. Is it a lot of “pretend” work or are these sites actually still working for real brands, real businesses, and part of real projects with real goals and requirements?

Ask them about their portfolio. What were the challenges? How did they overcome them?

Take the time to really review their work. If you don’t like anything you see, they’re probably not a good fit.

They’ve been around the block

Every year there are tons of new design companies that pop up—and just as many that close down. Don’t trust some fly-by-night web design company that probably won’t be around in a year.  The true test of a web design agency’s ability is their longevity. You want a company that’s been around for a while–and one that plans to stick around.

The more experience a web design agency has, the more they’ve had to change and adapt. And the more likely they’ll be around next year to help support and extend your awesome new website.

Experience in several industries

You might think it would be great if your web design company only worked with one industry. After all, if they only do websites for dog toys, then they must really know dog toys, right? Perhaps, but it also means you’ll probably end up with a website that looks like the other twenty-five dog toy websites they did this year.

A web design agency that works with a wide variety of industries is more likely to create a unique website that will reach a bigger audience. Your website has to stand above the competition, not be indistinguishable from it.

Keeps up with design trends

The last thing you want from a new website is a design that looks like it would’ve been popular last decade. A web designer needs to keep up with the latest web technology and modern design trends. Customers are much more likely to trust a business if their website looks modern.

Good web designers and web agencies also need to know the difference between design trends, fads, and what’s timeless and proven. A website has to do more than just look “cool” for the sake of looking “cool.”

They’re not dirt cheap

Your website is one of the most vital pieces of your business. This is not an area where you can afford to cut corners. When a web design company tells you they’ll build a custom website for $2,000, they really mean they’ll drag and drop your text and logo into a $99 WordPress theme that 12,000 other websites use.

If you want a website that’s going to work for your business, you have to be willing to invest in it. A great website will yield a high return on investment. A bad website will result in a stagnant business. You get what you pay for.

You actually like them!

Though not limited to choosing a web designer, you are going to be working together for a long time. Before you do too much price shopping, consider relationship building.

When there’s a positive relationship between the web design agency and the client, it encourages the interactions and knowledge sharing that facilitates the very best work. And isn’t that what it’s all about?  We already spend more time at work than we do at home. Your work-life will be much happier if you actually like the people you’ve chosen to work with.  Maybe design meetings are over beers? Maybe that’s just how we roll.


Finding the right web designer or web design agency isn’t easy. But, like love, once you find it, you know it, and everything gets a LOT better.

Happy hunting.

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