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ApplicantStack Jobs Display Plugin

ApplicantStack is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Onboarding tool for recruiters and businesses.  The system includes a pretty robust API, but darn if they offer much in the way of pre-built integrations.  Ok.  No problem.  We’ll build a plugin for WordPress, and give it away for free.

After a little work, we’re proud to announce the production-ready release of WP ApplicantStack Jobs Display as a free WordPress plugin that does one thing–and does it well.  The WordPress plugin displays a responsive, filterable list of jobs from ApplicantStack’s Jobs API using a Shortcode you can place anywhere in your WordPress editor.

Demo, Please?

We don’t have a live demo to show you since we don’t have our own ApplicantStack account to use, but here is a little visual demo for your viewing pleasure.

ApplicantStack Jobs Display Plugin for WordPress

Pretty cool, right?

Give It a Go!

We’re releasing the plugin under the GNU license, which basically just means you can’t turn this into something you sell.  It’s free and has to stay that way.

Download the latest release from JDM Digital’s GitHub repo or from and take a look at the README for detailed instructions on how to setup the API keys you’ll need on the ApplicantStack side, and the shortcode you can paste wherever you want the magic to happen.

Download from GitHub

Download from WordPress

Sorry; Not Sorry

It’s not the most feature-rich plugin and the code is a little sloppy. Consider this a starting place if you Googled “ApplicantStack WordPress Plugin” and found absolutely nothing–just like we did.

In other words, praise, forks, and pull requests are appreciated–more so than support or feature requests.  If you star the GitHub repo, you’d make us blush.

Just another code project from your friendly web design nerds here at JDM Digital.

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