The objectivity we bring is a good start, but objectivity alone won’t give you the insight you need to turn data into knowledge, to turn knowledge into strategy and to turn strategy into tactics that work. JDM Digital provides that kind of insight.
Any idiot can design you “something.” At JDM Digital, our process begins with Discovery where we ask a lot of tough questions and hone in on what customer pains your organization relives and how its truly, outwardly different than your competition.
That’s how we start any engagement.
For a more in-depth review from which we can gain real insights, we offer marketing consulting as a standalone service in addition to our more deliverable-based services.
This isn’t a meeting on a whiteboard where we all go away feeling warm and fuzzy but nothing actually changes.
Our consulting is about research, which we turn into data, from which we develop creative strategic solutions. Once the strategic plan is in place, we go about executing it as efficiently as possible.
The result is something that can transform an organization inside-out, and not something contrived by the marketing department.
Our marketing consulting services include:
- Customer Insights and Segmentation
- Sales and Channel Effectiveness
- Marketing and Brand Strategy
- Customer Acquisition and Retention
- To-Market and Pricing Strategy
- Campaign Strategy
Too much jargon? We get that. Here are a few posts where we discuss this stuff in more detail.
- Ruin a Rebranding in 5 Steps
- Great Marketing will Ruin a Good Product
- Inbound vs Outbound Marketing
- I Would Do Anything for Beer
- No One Can Resist a Monkey
- The Power Play
- Teaser Marketing
- Designing a Web Form that Converts
Lots more where those came from on our Insights Blog. Now you know why it’s called that.
Interested? Awesome. Let’s grab a beer and talk about the insights we can help you discover.
There’s more.
JDM Digital is a digital agency with a broad services suite–too broad to list them all and WAY too boring to read if we did. Learn a little more about some of the other digital services we specialize in.
Good Company
After more than a decade in business, we've worked with some killer clients. You're in good company.

Let's Grab a Beer Together
We love meeting new people. If we've peaked your interest, let's setup a time to talk (over a beer, perhaps).
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